Price: $24.99
Quantity in Stock: 3
Absolut Description
Mandarins. Sweet, easy-to-peel little things. And less of a hassle than oranges. No need to cut them in slices. Or peel them for ages. Or eat them with a napkin and then never get rid of the stickiness, no matter how many times you wash your hands.Yes, we have a thing for mandarins and while everyone was making orange flavored vodka, we did what we usually do; something different. Absolut Mandrin was a hard one to make, but is ridiculously simple to mix. Just add Ginger Ale or Ginger Beer for a perfect weekend drink..
Wine Enthusiast: 91 Points
Luscious and perfumy, with Christmas clementine and vanilla aromas. However, there's far more orange on the nose than on the palate: a big alcohol bite comes first, followed by neutral flavor with just a suggestion of orange, and a floral finish.
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