A tropical fruit bouquet and extremely pleasant aromas are on the nose, leading to a fresh, well-balanced wine. It possesses great minerality, a generous mouthfeel and a crisp, refreshing finish.
It is rustic and rich with traditional characteristics of the Montepulciano grape. It possesses deep red-purplish color and is highly aromatic with earthy notes and hints of pepper and spice. Fresh and full-bodied with dark berry... Read More
It is rustic and rich with traditional characteristics of the Montepulciano grape. It possesses deep red-purplish color and is highly aromatic with earthy notes and hints of pepper and spice. Fresh and full-bodied with dark berry... Read More
* This item is for local delivery and in store pickup only
Mineral fresh white natural wine with spicy character. Brilliant straw color with fine tears. Exuberant nose with, after swirling, wild white fruit blossom and plenty of minerality. Fresh onset with crisp acids and a surprising... Read More
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Vigneti del Sole is a light medium bodied wine, with strong fruit profiles, moderately low tannins and acidity. A wine that is typically best enjoyed fresh and young.
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Vigneti del Sole is a light medium bodied wine, with strong fruit profiles, moderately low tannins and acidity. A wine that is typically best enjoyed fresh and young.
* This item is for local delivery and in store pickup only